Senin, 28 November 2011

CRYSIS - cheat

Cheat mode:

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.
Use a text editor to edit the "diff_easy.cfg", "diff_normal.cfg", or "diff_hard.cfg" file
in the "\crysis\game\config\" directory to change game play under the Easy, Normal, or Hard difficulty settings.
Insert the following lines to get God mode and unlimited ammunition.

God Mode - g_godMode = 1
No Target - ai_IgnorePlayer = 1
No Weapon Limit - i_noweaponlimit = 1
Unlimited Ammo - i_unlimitedammo = 1

You can also modify your suit stats. For example:

-- Player Health/Energy/Suit
// No energy loss
g_suitCloakEnergyDrainAdjuster = 0

// No energy cost
g_suitRecoilEnergyCost = 0

// Run faster
g_suitSpeedMult = 2.85

// More armor points
g_suitArmorHealthValue = 900.0

// Instant health regen
g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTime = 0

// Instant health regen while moving
g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTimeMoving = 0

// Set health regen time to 0
g_playerSuitHealthRegenTime = 0

// Set regen time while walking to 0
g_playerSuitHealthRegenTimeMoving = 0

// No waiting until regen starts
g_playerSuitHealthRegenDelay = 0

// Instant energy
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmor = 0

//Instant energy while moving
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmorMoving = 0

// Set energy regen time to 0
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTime = 0

// Do not wait until energy regen starts
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeDelay = 0

// Extra health
g_playerHealthValue = 900.0

// Set difficulty, 1 is easy, 4 is most difficult
g_difficultyLevel = 1

After making all of your edits, save the file, load up a new game and see what you've edited!

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